Tirage Tables
Tirage_Inventory, List of created Tirage Lots created with form Tirage Lot
Tirage_Location, List of tirage locations, which are a combination of building (cellar location), lane, stack and level. These have a capacity.
Location_Building, this is the Cellar Location
Location_Lane, list of warehouse lanes (i.e. rows)
Location_Level, list of warehouse levels (i.e. how many layers of a lane)
Location_Stack, list of warehouse stack (i.e. how deep the lanes go)
Disgorged_Product, list of product id’s for disgorged product.
Tirage_Bin, holds Bin #, Bin Type, Location, Analysis, Costs,
Tirage_Bin_Detail, links Tirage_Bin to Tirage_Inventory, stores # of bottles