“At Pahlmeyer, Blend Production is the cornerstone of our wine production environment. Knowing that Blend can consistently provide us the blending information we need and that Orion continually advances the application and provides superior service, allows us the freedom to create the mind-blowing wines that we’re known for!”
JOSHUA WIDAMAN, Assistant Winemaker
From harvest to bottle, Blend Production, a Windows-based, bulk-wine tracking and reporting system, is designed to help you manage the entire wine production process. Use this functional model on its own or in conjunction with the other enhanced sub-modules in this suite.
You’ll never again have to search through years of history—compiled by different people in different ways–to compare one vintage to another. Our Blend Production Module retains the history of every vintage in an easily accessible database. This broad-reaching application encompasses all winemaking functions, including the following:
Depending on your operational workflow, the winemaker’s need for vineyard information, and your product mix, you will find the following additional functionalities extremely beneficial.
Manage Your Vineyard
Vineyard Management tracks vineyard information and activities at a sub-block level. All your vineyard activities can be scheduled and tracked, and the results entered will provide a complete history of each sub-block. Vineyard Management is integrated with Blend a complete history of each sub-block. Vineyard Management is integrated with Blend Production to provide a complete picture of how vineyard decisions affect the final product.
Track Dry Goods and Packaging
The objective of the Package Goods functionality is to track dry goods and packaging materials used in the production of the bulk wine and case goods. This includes all tracking required by the new FDA Bio-Terrorism regulations. Along with all the standard inventory functions (ordering, receiving, issuing and adjusting), items can also be grouped together in Product Profiles that can be issued as a collection of items for a bottling run. You can also schedule items into the future to prepare bottling schedules and predict out-of-stock points.
Run Your Sparkling Wine Operation
Sparkling wine producers will find this module invaluable; it interfaces seamlessly with Blend Production, tracking all the necessary operations involved in the Tirage process.
Query & Reporting
Blend’s intuitive and flexible grid-based reporting tool allows a customer to quickly drill-down to relevant records from the thousands of possible choices. Blend transforms your data, taking it from a auditing necessity to a business intelligence tool.
At the core of Blend is compliance. We understand and support the reports and data you need to generate on a continuing basis. Whether you are a single-location winery making your own wine, or a multi-site facility which custom crushes, we can help you streamline your regulatory needs.
WiMS Integration
WiMS, Orion’s case goods to consumer management solution integrates into Blend to minimize duplicate data entry.
Full Control with Restricted Security
If people outside your company have input into decisions about your winemaking process, Custom Crush clients for example, the Restricted User Security functionality will be extremely helpful. You designate which blends each user can view and which wine operations they can perform. Used in tandem with Work Order, this is a powerful way to manage your production facility while meeting the needs of your winemaking partners.
Additional Modules
Manage Your Work Orders
With the Work Order feature, you can enter orders in advance of the work to be performed. These orders can then be printed and posted through the system to supplement the existing data entry process.
Barrel Barcoding and Scanning
With Blend’s Barcode module, you can quickly create, edit and empty barrel groups while the work is happening in the cellar. Prevent data entry mishaps or cellar issues with our barcode and scanner integrated solution.
Tank Monitoring Integration
Blend integrates with two of the leading tank monitoring systems, TankNet and VinWizard, to give you real time data on the status of your wines.
Run Your Sparkling Wine Operation
Sparkling wine producers will find this module invaluable; it interfaces seamlessly with Blend Production, tracking all the necessary operations involved in the Tirage process.