The first series of webinars have been a lot fun–with great feedback from the participants. We plan on continuing them for the foreseeable future and we are interested in any topics you would like to cover. Below is the schedule for the last one in April, all sessions begin at 9:00 AM PST. 3/16 Barrel …
Tirage Tables Tirage_Inventory, List of created Tirage Lots created with form Tirage Lot Tirage_Location, List of tirage locations, which are a combination of building (cellar location), lane, stack and level. These have a capacity. Location_Building, this is the Cellar Location Location_Lane, list of warehouse lanes (i.e. rows) Location_Level, list of warehouse levels (i.e. how many …
Blend Production v5.1 Core Module User Guide Orion Wine Software Licensed Product Document Blend Production v 5.1 Written by: Jon Rickards & Jason …
Save the Date for the Orion Wine Software Annual User Conference, May 23, 2012, to be held in Napa Valley, California. An official invitaiton and announcement concerning the venue will be available by April 12, 2012. We look forward to meeting with you in May!
The dropdown “To” fields in Barrel Topping transaction are only populated by vessels that are status “I”, “A” or Null. Vessels that are status bottling “B” or mock will not show.
The Blend_Detail table has the following costing fields: cCostPerGallon, not currently used cCPGGrapes, accumulated grape cost per gallon (stays with blend as it moves from vessel to vessel) cCPGStorage, accumulated storage cost per gallon (stays with blend as it moves from vessel to vessel) cCPGBarrels, not currently used cTreatmentTotal, total of treatments for blend in …