Blend Production v5.1
Core Module
User Guide
Orion Wine Software
Licensed Product Document
Blend Production v 5.1
Written by: Jon Rickards
& Jason Curtis
Updated on: July 6, 2011
Table of Contents
Screen 1 – Barrel Info (Required)
Screen 2 – Acquisition Info
Screen 3 – History & Comments
Creating a new Barrel Sub Group
Tab 2 – Latest Analysis Results
Month End Close & Month End Close
How does the system calculate the 3%
How To: Change a Blend Number (ID)
How To: Change a Bond Number on a
Blend or Vessel
How To: Change the capacity of a
Barrel, Barrel Group, or Tank
How To: Deplete an Active Blend with
Zero (0) Gallons
How To: Drain & Press multiple
press lots
How To: Remove some wine from barrel
group but not empty it
How To: Change a lot number once it
is entered and saved
& Purpose
The Blend Production Core Module provides for the tracking
of wine production from grape to bottle. This includes weigh tags, barrel
operations, analysis, additions and other activities.
Document Objective
The purpose of this document is to provide the user with
the ability to move through the core module easily and with understanding and
recording winery transactions for tracking.
Topics Discussed
1) Navigation
2) Blend Inquiry
3) Wine Inquiry
4) Barrel Inventory
5) Tank Inventory
6) Cellar Overview
7) Mock Blending
8) Scheduler
Note: Scheduler, Weigh
Tags & Costing are discussed separately in their own user guides. Please
logon to the Client
Care Center to download these and other available documentation
Blend Production uses standard Microsoft Windows navigation
After you log in, you will see the main inquiry functions on
the right hand side of the screen. On the left side you will see drop-down
menus for the extended modules accessed via the “Main” drop-down and the
functions of the Core module under the “Cellar”, “Viticulture”, and
“Management” drop-down menus.
Main Menu dropdown
Depending on the modules you have licensed, you will see one
or many of the following module shortcuts:
1) Bar Coding –
Shortcut to the Barrel Barcode Scanner Interface Module
2) Package Goods –
Shortcut to the Package Goods Module
3) Work Order
Create – Shortcut to the Work Order Create Module
4) Vineyard
Management – Shortcut to the Vineyard Management Module
5) Tirage –
Shortcut to the Tirage Module
6) Query &
Reporting – Shortcut to the Query & Reporting Module
7) Documentation –
Shortcut to the Blend2kPortfolio\Documentation folder where you can download
and store application documentation
Search Grids
On most screens you will find a search grid on the left hand
side of the screen that allows you to search for blends by using a pick list or
a generic search. When entering characters in the search fields, you can just
type the first few characters of the record and the system will for all records
that start with those chosen. Leaving the search fields blank will return all
“Add on the Fly” buttons
If you see a [+] button next to a drop-down list, it will
allow you to add a new system record on the fly without having to go to the
System Control module and add the record i.e. if the vineyard that you are
looking for is not displayed in the drop-down, you can click the [+] button to
add a the new vineyard.
Today’s Date
There is a shortcut key for entering in Today’s Date. If
you curser is in a date field you can push the “T” button and the date will
populate with Today’s Date.
Ending Volume Measurements
Many transaction screens allow you to choose the type of
calculation to be used for the ending volume
1) Empty – Will
move the entire volume of the contents from the vessel
2) Full – Will fill
the vessel to its capacity
3) Calc – Will
automatically calculate the amount of volume moved based upon either the
gallons out of the FROM vessel or the gallons in to the TO vessel
4) Gallons – Allows
the user to enter the exact gallons moved
5) Wet / Dry – If
tank charts have been entered for tanks you can select these options and enter
a measurement in feet/inches or centimeters to have the system calculate the
Saving Transactions
Many transaction entry screens give you multiple options for
saving the record
1) Save & Enter
Another – This option will save the transaction but keep the previous vessel
selected so that another transaction of the same type can be entered against
that vessel
2) Save & Exit
– This option will save the transaction and exit the transaction detail screen
3) Save & Clear
Screen – This option will save the transaction but clear the screen so that a
new vessel and blend can be selected
Pick Tank or Barrel
The transaction screens will display a drop-down box with a
list of all the vessels that currently have a volume in them. Additionally
these drop-down boxes will display any Barrel Group regardless of whether it
has a volume in it or not.
If you wish to select an empty tank or empty barrel click
the plus (+) button to the right of the drop-down box and a Pick Tank or Barrel
screen will appear which allows you to search on the empty vessels. Highlight
and click exit to pick the vessel you wish or double click on the vessel
Descriptions vs. Comments
There are many screens that have a field for a description
and for a comment. Descriptions can be seen on reports and in inquiries but
the comments can only be seen on the inquiry screens and will not be reported
Main Menu
Blend Inquiry
The Blend Inquiry screen is used to look up, display and
modify information about the blends or lots of wine. A blend can have more
than one vessel and the information on all 6 tabs is representative of the
entire blend, inclusive of all the vessels.
The composition components that you assign at the blend such
as variety, vintage and appellation allow you to define the blend as you want
it to be. It does not affect the actual composition of the wine based on the
weigh tag or receiving entry.
Blend Info (Tab 1)
1) Blend Number: The
Blend Number represents the unique ID that you wish to identify the blend with
(frequently displayed as Blend ID through the application)
08 = 2008
OW = Orion Winery
SOV = Sonoma Valley
PN = Pinot Noir
2) Blend Name (required) – This is the long name of the blend
that you have created
3) Abbreviation (required) – Abbreviations often show on reports
rather than the full Name
4) Vintage
5) Variety
6) Appellation –
The appellation of origin of the grapes (geo-political region the grapes were
grown in)
7) Vineyard – The
name of the vineyard the grapes came from
8) Designation – A
category that can be assigned to the blend to define a grouping of wines such
as a tier or an intended use
Note: If the Restricted
User Security module has been activated you must use the designation in
conjunction with the brand to determine user access
9) Brand –
Indicates the general grouping category for the final intended use
10) Employee – The name of the
employee who created this blend record
11) Description
12) Tanks and Barrels – Displays all
of the vessels that currently have wine of this blend in them
13) Status – The current status of
this blend
a) Active =
Declared wine
b) Fermenting =
Un-declared (juice)
c) Bottling = Some
of this blend has been bottled, but not the entire blend
d) Bottled = Blend
has completed bottling and has no volume left
e) Depleted = Blend
has been shipped or blended into another wine
14) Current Gallons – Shows the total
number of gallons of this blend in all vessels
15) Current Tons – If this blend has
not been declared, then the total tons as assigned by the weigh tag will be
shown here
16) Gallons Bottled – Displays the
total number of gallons of this blend that has been bottled
17) First Treatment – Shows the date
and time of the first transaction involving this blend
18) Last Treatment – Shows the date
and time of the most recent or last transaction involving this blend
19) Show Tank & Barrel History – If
you click this check box, the Tanks and Barrels grid will display all of the
vessels that have had this blend in it
Composition Info (Tab 2)
1) Composition
Summary – This will display a “roll-up” of the compositions of the all of the
vessels that make up this blend
Latest Analyses (Tab 3)
The latest analyses show the most recent analysis of that
type for any vessel that contains the blend. Therefore if 1 tank
has an analysis and the rest do not, then the most recent will be displayed for
the entire blend.
This screen only displays the “Top-20” analyses that you
have setup. All analyses will be recorded in the system and can be reported
on, but only the Top-20 will be displayed here.
Analysis Flags
The following values may be seen in the “Flag” field of each
1) A = Analysis has
been average due to the blending of two wines or juices
2) C = Analysis has
been copied from the FROM Vessel in the prior movement
3) M = There are
multiple vessels for this blend so this is the most recent analysis entered for
any of those vessels
4) + = FSO2 (Free
Sulfur Dioxide) & TSO2 (Total Sulfur Dioxide) results will show a plus (+)
flag if a sulfur addition has been made to the wine
5) Blank = This
analysis has been entered directly through a transaction
Wine Summary (Tab 4)
If this blend existed in the system for a month in which the
Month End Close process has been completed, then you will see totals by tax
class for this blend. These are the same values will also be picked up in the
monthly government reports.
You can toggle through the closed periods by changing the
month and year in the date fields.
Transactions (Tab 5)
The transactions tab will display all of the transactions
for the blend regardless of vessel.
You may filter the dates by selecting a date range as well
as exclude types of activities by selecting or deselecting the available boxes
prior to clicking the search button
More Blend Info (Tab 6)
1) Weigh Tag
Summary: Lists all of the weigh tags that were assigned to this blend. If this
blend was not created through the assignment of weigh tags, then this field
will be empty
2) Custom Crush
Info: As of v4.5, the use of this functionality is not available
3) Comments:
Specific or generic comments about the blend
Wine Inquiry
Wine Info (Tab 1)
The Wine Info tab shows the composition of the wine or juice
in a specific vessel. This information is not editable and is determined by
the system through operations such as weigh tag assignment and blending
The Blend Info is shown at the bottom of the screen. This
will allow the user at a quick glance to determine if there is a difference
between the intended composition and the actual composition
1) Tank/Barrel –
The vessel that the blend currently resides
2) Variety &
Vintage – The type of grape and year that they were picked
3) Appellation –The
appellation of origin of the grapes (geo-political region the grapes were grown
4) Vineyard – The
name of the vineyard the grapes came from
5) Sub Block –The
name of the Sub Block if used
6) Bonded Winery –
Indicates the bond number of the winery that the wine is held under
7) Current
Measurement – If tank tables are used this will display the current vessel measurement
8) Number of Days
in Fermentation –The count of the total number of days to date that this vessel
has been in fermentation
9) Date Finished –
The date that the fermentation was finished
10) Description
11) Status – The current status of
this wine record
a) Active =
Declared wine
b) Fermenting =
Un-declared (juice)
c) Bottling = Some
of this wine has been bottled, but not the entire volume
d) Bottled = Wine
has completed bottling and has no volume left
e) Depleted = Wine
has been shipped or blended into another wine
12) Declared Date – The transaction
date of the declaration
13) Capacity – The total volume the
vessel can hold
14) Current Gallons – The total volume
in this vessel
15) Current Tons – The total weight in
this vessel of wine that has not been drained & pressed
16) First Treatment – Shows the date
and time of the first transaction involving this wine
17) Last Treatment – Shows the date
and time of the most recent or last transaction
Composition Info (Tab 2)
1) Composition
Detail – This will display the detailed composition of this wine
2) Summarize
Composition – If the composition of this wine has so many parts that it is
difficult to determine the major components, you may push this button to give a
summarized view.
Latest Analyses (Tab 3)
The latest analyses show the most recent analysis of that
type for that vessel.
This screen only displays the “Top-20” analyses that you have
setup. All analyses will be recorded in the system and can be reported on, but
only the Top-20 will be displayed here.
Analysis Flags
The following values may be seen in the “Flag” field of each
1. A = Analysis has
been average due to the blending of two wines or juices
2. C = Analysis has
been copied from the FROM Vessel in the prior movement
3. + = FSO2 (Free
Sulfur Dioxide) & TSO2 (Total Sulfur Dioxide) results will show a plus (+)
flag if a sulfur addition has been made to the wine
4. Blank = This analysis
has been entered directly through a transaction
Additions & Harvest (Tab 4)
1) Cumulative
Additions – If you have set up cumulative additions, then the total amount
added will be displayed here.
2) Weigh Tags –
Lists all of the weigh tags that were assigned to this wine. If this wine was
not created through the assignment of weigh tags, then this field will be empty
Transactions (Tab 5)
The transactions tab will display all of the transactions
for this vessel
You may filter the dates by selecting a date range as well
as exclude types of activities by selecting or deselecting the available boxes
prior to clicking the search button
Historical Entry: You can add the following
historical records by clicking on the appropriate button. These will not create
transactions but will only add history records.
1) Add Analysis
2) Add Treatment
3) Add Addition
4) Add Tasting Note
More Wine Info (Tab 6)
1) Costing Summary
– This displays the breakdown of costs assigned to this wine. For more detail
on this subject please refer to the Blend Production Costing User Guide
2) Last SO2
Addition – Will show the date, time and name of the last treatment flagged as
an SO2 Addition in the treatment setup
3) Last Racking –
Will show the date, time and name of the last treatment flagged as a Racking
transaction in the treatment setup
4) Heat Stability –
This will show the date and time of the last treatment flagged as “Heat
Stability” in the treatment setup
5) Cold Stability –
This will show the date and time of the last treatment flagged as “Cold
Stability” in the treatment setup
6) Production Stage
& Level – Indicates the current production stage and level. Stages &
Levels are optional
Barrel Inventory
The Barrel Inventory screen manages all of your barrels.
You can enter new barrels, make modifications to current barrels, or review
information about your barrels. You may not physically delete barrels because
they may have been used in a blend. However, you can change the status of a
barrel to inactive so that it can’t be used anymore.
Screen 1 – Barrel Info (Required)
1) Barrel Number (required) – Two (2) digit alpha-numeric prefix
& four (4) digit suffix which uniquely identifies the barrel
2) Year (required) – Year that the barrel was purchased
(some people may use this as the first vintage the barrel is used)
3) Description –
Generic or specific description of the barrel
4) Status –
Active/Inactive status of the barrel
5) Color (required) – Radio button which can be selected to
indicate the color of wine that is aged in the barrel
6) ML Positive
Check Box – A check box option which indicates that the barrel has tested
positive for ML
7) Graphical Barrel
Locator – The command button that shows a graphical display of where the barrel
is located
8) Clone Barrel –
The command button which allows you to clone the characteristics of this barrel
to 1 or more other barrels
a) Enter:
i) Barrel
Prefix (required)
ii) First
Barrel Number (required)
iii) Last Barrel
Number (required)
9) Barrel Class –
The type of oak that the barrel is made of
10) Cooper – The manufacturer of the
11) Toast Level – The toast level of
the barrel
12) Barrel Treatment – The treatment
that should be performed on the barrel when it is first received
13) Bonded Winery (required) – The bonded winery number of the winery
that owns the barrel
14) Location – The physical location
where the barrel is actually located
15) Sub-Location – The room, row or
aisle in which the barrel physically resides within the location
16) Capacity (required) – The current capacity volume of the
17) Current Contents – This shows the
blend and volumes of wine or juice held within the barrel
Screen 2 – Acquisition Info (Optional)
1) Original Cost –
The cost to purchase the barrel
2) Est. Life
(months) – The total life of the barrel as estimated in months
3) Cost per Month –
The cost depreciation of the barrel per month
4) Acquisition Date
– The date that the barrel was acquired
5) Date First Used
– Date that the first gallons of wine or juice was added to the barrel
Screen 3 – History & Comments (Optional)
1) History – Shows
the barrel transaction history
2) Comments –
Generic or specific details regarding the barrel
Tank Inventory
The Tank Inventory screen manages all of your tanks. You
can enter new tanks, make modifications to current tanks, or review information
about your tanks
Screen 1 – Tank Info
1) Tank Number (required) – The unique number for the tank
2) Description
3) Status (required)
4) Tank Usage Check
a) Phantom – This
tank does not exist in reality and is used only for record keeping. If you
select Phantom, the capacity will automatically change to 999,999
b) Fermentation –
This tank is designated to have only fermenting wines in it
c) Bottling – This
tank is designated to be used only for bottling
5) Tank Class –
Type of tank as defined by class
6) Bonded Winery (required) – Bonded winery number where this tank
7) Location –
Cellar location that this tank physically resides
8) Sub-Location –
The room or row of the location if defined
9) Capacity (required) – Actual capacity if inserts or other
displacing equipment is used
a) Insert Checkbox
– Indicates if inserts are in the tank
10) Real Capacity (required) – Rated capacity
11) Height – Feet & Inches or CM
of the tank
12) Acquisition Information
a) Date – Date that
the tank was acquired
b) Cost – Cost of
the tank
c) Est Life
(months) – Estimated life of the tank in months
d) Cost per Month –
Cost per month breakdown
Screen 2 – Tank Table
The tank table allows a user to enter tank measurements
which have been calibrated to provide a gallon value. When a user performs a
transaction involving a measurement they can enter the measurement and the
system will calculate the gallons
1) Table Entry –
Starting from the lowest point you enter each in or centimeter and its
accompanying gallon measurement
2) Clone Tank Table
– If more than one vessel has the exact same calibration, you can clone the
tank table from an existing vessel to the new one
Screen 3 – History & Comments
The History & Comments tab shows the user to see all of
the ins and outs of the wines that have occupied this vessel, as well as any
comments added. The Add New History Record button allows you to add a history
record to this vessel. Please note that this does not actually record a
transaction, but just adds a record to the history table.
Cellar Overview
The Cellar Viewer screen is a graphical representation of
the physical tank layout in your cellar. You may have multiple tank rooms in
the system and those are displayed on the list in the upper left corner of the
screen. When you double click on one of the rooms, it will display the tanks in
that room and show what the tanks contain. The following lists the features of
the Cellar Overview display
1) Tank ID
2) Tank Capacity
3) Blend ID
4) Pie Chart – A
pie chart will display the relative fullness of the vessel
5) Color – You can
assign colors to your varieties in the Composition section of the System
Control Module that will allow you to determine based on color the variety
actually in the vessel
6) Wine Inquiry –
If you double left click on a vessel from the Cellar Viewer, the Wine Details
will be displayed showing the details of the contents of that vessel
Note: If you have the
TankNET or VinWizard interface, you can right click on any vessel and a menu
will pop up allowing you access to the extended module features
Mock Blending
The Mock Blending screen is used to look up, display and
modify information about trial blends. A mock blend allows the user to take the
contents of more than one vessel and combine them in indicated quantities and
show what the resulting composition analysis, and costing values would be if
they were to be blended together
1) To create a new
Mock Blend click “Add New Blend”
2) Enter:
a) Blend Number (required) – Blend ID for this mock blend
Note: The mock blend “Blend
Number” shares the same table as the standard Blend ID therefore a unique
number must be given to indicate it is a mock blend
b) Blend Name (required) – The name of this mock blend
c) Description
3) Click “Save” to
add the new mock blend
4) Click “Add New”
to add new vessels and gallons to the mock blend
a) Using the
Tank/Barrel Selection dropdown, select the vessel ID that you wish to add to
the mock blend
b) Enter the number
of Gallons to add to the mock blend
5) Click “Save” to
save the new vessel to the mock blend
6) When you are
finished adding vessels the mock blend, click the “Calculate Composition”
button to recalculate the composition and costing
Tab 1: Blend Info
Provides you with the composite gallons and potential cases
Tab 2: Composition Info
Provides you with the composite composition
Tab 3: Analyses & Costs
Provides you with the composite analysis & costing
The Scheduler is feature that allows you to review,
update, add and delete scheduled activities for the cellar. A scheduled
activity can be a cellar treatment, an analysis, a barrel or tank activity or a
collection of activities on an entry template. These activities can be
scheduled through any transaction entry screen in the system. This reminder
system allows the user to generate a list of activities due that can be printed
and distributed.
Scheduling Activities
There are two methods of scheduling activities. The first
method is direct input and involves entering activities and dates directly into
the scheduler. The second method is through the use of treatments and
assigning Triggers to a transaction
Direct Input
1) From the Main click
“Scheduler” to bring up the scheduler screen
2) Click “Add New
3) Enter:
a) Scheduled Date (required) – Date the activity is due on
b) Entry Date (required) – Date the activity reminder was created
c) Tank/Barrel (required) – Vessel in which the blend resides that
the activity will be performed on
d) Tank Number – If
the activity is going to be performed on an empty tank then select the Tank ID
in the drop-down
e) Barrel Number –
If the activity is going to be performed on an empty barrel then select the
Barrel ID in the drop-down
f) Description
g) Employee
h) Entry Template –
If the activity will be performed as an Entry by Template, select the name in
the drop-down
i) Treatment
– If the activity is a treatment, select the name in the drop-down
j) Analysis
– If the activity is an analysis, select the name in the drop-down
k) Barrel or Tank
Activity – If the activity is on an empty vessel, select the name in the
4) Click “Save” to
accept the activity and schedule it
Triggers are added to transactions so that an automatic
scheduling of the activity occurs
Note: For setup of
Triggers see the Blend Production Step-by-Step Startup Guide under the System
Control Module / Treatments / Triggers section
1) From the Main
Menu click on the “Cellar” drop-down, click on “Transaction Entry” and add a
2) Enter the
details of the movement
3) Enter:
a) Trigger – The
name of the trigger you wish to schedule as the result of performing this
b) Trigger Date –
The date the activity will be scheduled to become due
c) Schedule Again
For & date – If you wish to schedule the same activity for a sub-sequent
date you may check this box and enter the subsequent date you wish it to become
Cellar Dropdown Menu
Transaction Entry
The Transaction Entry screen is used to perform the majority
of all processing within the system. Transactions can be also processed using
the Work Order Module. There are three ways to add transactions through the
transaction entry screen.
1) Add by Date
(Display) – If you choose to add by this method, all previously entered
transactions on the date chosen will be displayed in the grid
2) Add by Date
(Don’t Display) – If you choose to add by this method, all previously entered
transactions on the date chosen will NOT be displayed in the grid
3) Add by Work
Order – If you choose to add by this method and you have auto-generation of
work order numbers selected the system will auto populate the Work Order
Number. You will then need to answer a name and description
Note: This is NOT
the Work Order Module and all that you are doing is adding a tag to the
transaction to show the hand-written work order number
4) Work Order
Search – The Work Order Search button allows you to look up work order numbers
in the system to allow you to enter new transactions against the same number or
to view all transactions against a specific work order
Note: The Work Order
Search function will not display the details of a work order that was created
in the Work Order Create Module
The Analysis entry is used to enter analyses that show a
specific result for a chemistry that was done on the wine. If this analysis
has been set up as one of your Top-20 analyses, then the latest result will be
updated on the blend and wine inquiry screens.
1) After saving
your header information click “Analysis” to add a new analysis transaction
2) Enter:
a) Tank/Barrel (required) – Vessel where the wine resides
b) Analysis (required) – Name of the analysis being recorded
c) Result OR +/- (required) – Value of the reading or +/- if
selected in the analysis setup
d) Employee (required) – Employee who is entering the
e) Trigger – If an
activity is to be scheduled as the result of this analysis enter the trigger
f) Date –
Triggered activity due date
g) Schedule Again
For – If the trigger is to schedule a second activity enter the date here and
click the checkbox
h) Description
i) Comments
3) Click “Save
& Exit” to save the transaction and return to the transaction header screen
Cellar Treatment
The Cellar Treatment entry is used to enter treatments
that show some action happened to a wine without changing volume or composition
1) After saving
your header information click “Cellar Treatment” to add a new transaction
2) Enter:
a) Tank/Barrel (required) – Vessel where the wine resides
b) Treatment (required) – Name of the Cellar Treatment being
c) Employee (required) – Employee who is entering the
d) Trigger – If an
activity is to be scheduled as the result of this analysis enter the trigger
e) Date – Triggered
activity due date
f) Schedule
Again For – If the trigger is to schedule a second activity enter the date here
and click the checkbox
g) Declare Wine –
If you wish to declare the wine as the result of this treatment then click this
h) Description
i) Comments
3) Click “Save
& Exit” to save the transaction and return to the transaction header screen
The Addition entry screen is used to enter additions that
add chemical winemaking components to the wine without changing volume or
1) After saving
your header information click “Addition” to add a new transaction
2) Enter:
a) Tank/Barrel (required) – Vessel where the wine resides
b) Treatment (required) – Name of the Addition being performed
c) Addition in PPM
– If this addition is being made in PPM enter it here
d) Addition Amount
– If this addition is being made in whole units enter it here
e) Employee (required) – Employee who is entering the
f) Trigger –
If an activity is to be scheduled as the result of this analysis enter the
g) Date – Triggered
activity due date
h) Schedule Again
For – If the trigger is to schedule a second activity enter the date here and
click the checkbox
i) Location
– If this is a lot tracking item enter the location to pull the lot from
j) Lot
Number – If this is a lot tracking item enter the Lot Number of the item
k) Declare Wine –
If you wish to declare the wine as the result of this treatment then click this
l) Description
m) Comments
3) Click “Save
& Exit” to save the transaction and return to the transaction header screen
Addition & Adjustment
The Addition with Adjustment entry screen is used to enter
transactions that change the volume of wine in the vessel without changing
composition, and relate that gain (or loss) with the type of addition that was
done. Cost per gallon may also be adjusted.
1) After saving
your header information click “Addition & Adjustment” to add a new
2) Enter:
a) Tank/Barrel (required) – Vessel where the wine resides
b) Ending Volume
Measurement (required)
c) Ending Gallons (required)
d) Treatment (required) – Name of the Addition & Adjustment
treatment being performed
e) Addition in PPM
– If this addition is being made in PPM enter it here
f) Addition
Amount – If this addition is being made in whole units enter it here
g) Employee (required) – Employee who is entering the
h) Adjust Cost Per
Gallons – If you wish your cost per gallon to adjust due to this Addition &
Adjustment select this checkbox
i) Trigger
– If an activity is to be scheduled as the result of this analysis enter the
j) Trigger
Date – Triggered activity due date
k) Schedule Again
For – If the trigger is to schedule a second activity enter the date here and
click the checkbox
l) Location
– If this is a lot tracking item enter the location to pull the lot from
m) Lot Number – If this is a
lot tracking item enter the Lot Number of the item
n) Declare Wine – Option
if you wish to declare the wine as the result of this treatment
o) Description
p) Comments
3) Click “Save
& Exit” to save the transaction and return to the transaction header screen
The Adjustment entry screen is used to enter adjustments
that change the volume of wine in the vessel without changing composition, and
relate that gain or loss to support the 5120.17 (702)
Note: Be careful when
emptying a vessel. If there are costs associated with that vessel, the dollars
will be written off the books and your total inventory value will be reduced
1) After saving
your header information click “Adjustment” to add a new transaction
2) Enter:
a) Tank/Barrel (required) – Vessel where the wine resides
b) Ending Volume
Measurement (required)
c) Ending Gallons (required)
d) Treatment (required) – Name of the Adjustment treatment being
e) Adjust Cost Per
Gallons – If you wish your cost per gallon to adjust due to this Addition &
Adjustment select this checkbox
f) Employee (required) – Employee who is entering the
g) Trigger – If an
activity is to be scheduled as the result of this analysis enter the trigger
h) Trigger Date –
Triggered activity due date
i) Schedule
Again For – If the trigger is to schedule a second activity enter the date here
and click the checkbox
j) Description
k) Comments
3) Click “Save
& Exit” to save the transaction and return to the transaction header screen
The Movement entry screen is used to enter wine movements
for a volume of wine from one vessel to another. It will also move the
composition, analyses, addition summary and costing information with it. Any
gain or loss is recorded on the “FROM” vessel, and any cost that was applied
will be recorded on the “TO” vessel.
1) After saving
your header information click “Movement” to add a new transaction
2) Enter:
a) FROM Tank/Barrel
(required) – Vessel where the wine currently
b) Ending Volume
Measurement (required)
c) Gallons Out (required)
d) TO Tank/Barrel (required) – Vessel the wine will be moved to
e) Blend (required) – Blend ID of the wine in the new vessel
Note: The Blend ID will
default to the value of the FROM vessel but can be changed to a different Blend
ID here. Bond changes can be performed through this method.
a) Ending Volume
Measurement (required)
b) Treatment (required) – Name of the Movement treatment being
c) Employee (required) – Employee who is entering the
d) Trigger – If an
activity is to be scheduled as the result of this analysis enter the trigger
e) Trigger Date –
Triggered activity due date
f) Schedule
Again & Date – If the trigger is to schedule a second activity enter the
date here and click the checkbox
g) Copy/Average
Analysis – This will be selected by default but can be deselected on a
transaction by transaction basis
i) Copy
– If the TO Vessel is empty, the FROM Vessel analysis will be copied to the TO
Vessel and the latest analysis screen will show a flag of “C” for the analysis
ii) Average –
If the TO Vessel has a volume in it already, the FROM Vessel analysis will be
averaged with the TO Vessel based on the volumes in each vessel
h) Declare Wine –
Option if you wish to declare the wine as the result of this treatment
i) Description
j) Comments
2) Click “Save
& Exit” to save the transaction and return to the transaction header screen
Barrel Topping
The Barrel Topping Entry screen is used to enter barrel
toppings that move a volume of wine from one vessel to up to 5 other vessels
(usually barrel groups). It will also move the composition, analyses, addition
summary and costing information with it. Any gain or loss is recorded on the
“FROM” vessel, and any cost that was applied will be spread between all the
“TO” vessels
1) After saving
your header information click “Barrel Topping” to add a new transaction
2) Enter:
a) FROM Tank/Barrel
(required) – Vessel where the wine
currently resides
b) Ending Volume Measurement
c) Gallons Out (required)
d) TO Tank/Barrel (required) – Select up to 5 vessels to be topped
Note: In order to be
eligible for a topping transaction the vessel must be full. If the vessel is
not full a movement should be performed to fill the vessel
e) Treatment (required) – Name of the Topping Treatment to be
f) Employee (required) – Enter the employee responsible for the
g) Trigger – If an
activity is to be scheduled as the result of this analysis enter the trigger
h) Trigger Date –
Triggered activity due date
i) Schedule
Again & Date – If the trigger is to schedule a second activity enter the
date here and click the checkbox
j) Description
k) Comments
l) Move
Composition – Select this checkbox to move the FROM Vessel composition to the
TO Vessel blends
m) Keep Barrel Group – Select
this checkbox if the FROM Vessel is a barrel group and you wish to keep the
Barrel Group details intact for future transactions
n) Once all of the
details have been selected click the “Calculate Topping” button to calculate
the number of gallons to move to each vessel based on their current volume
i) The
gallons will be added to the TO lots proportionally.
3) Click “Save
& Exit” to save the transaction and return to the transaction header screen
1) After saving
your header information click “Bottle” to add a new bottling transaction
2) Enter:
a) Tank/Barrel (required) – Vessel where the wine resides
Note: A vessel will NOT
display on the drop-down list for bottling if the status is Fermenting (the
blend must be declared)
b) Ending Volume
Measurement (required) – Enter the volume
of wine bottled
c) Treatment (required) – Enter the bottling treatment
d) Employee (required) – Enter the employee responsible for the
e) Trigger – If an
activity is to be scheduled as the result of this analysis enter the trigger
f) Trigger
Date – Triggered activity due date
g) Schedule Again
& Date – If the trigger is to schedule a second activity enter the date
here and click the checkbox
h) Description
i) Comments
j) Click
“Bottling Details” to enter the detail screen
i) Click
“Add Bottling Detail” for each item you wish to bottle
Note: If you are
using the WIMS Integration please see the WIMS integration: User Guide for
bottling procedures
k) Enter:
i) Company
(WIMS Integration only)
ii) Location
(WIMS Integration only)
iii) Post to WIMS
checkbox (WIMS Integration only)
iv) Bottle Size (required) – Bottle size of finished goods
v) Cases &
Bottles (required) – Number of cases
& bottles produced
vi) Designation
vii) Item Code
viii) Custom Bottling – Indicates that
this bottling is for a custom client
ix) Export Package –
Indicates that this bottling is for an export package
x) Item Code – WIMS
finished goods item code
xi) UPC Code
xii) Category
xiii) Filtration
Bottle Label
xv) Front Label
Back Label
xvii) Description
xviii) Cork
(1) Size
(2) Grade
(3) Color
(1) Material
(2) Color
xx) Bottle
(1) Type
(2) Color
(3) Mold
l) Click
“Save” to save the bottling details
m) Click “Exit” to return to
the transaction screen
Note: When you return to
the transaction screen the system will automatically calculate the gain or loss
for you
n) Click “Save
& Exit” to process the transaction
Tasting Notes
The Tasting Note entry screen is used to enter tasting
notes that reflect what each winemaker judged about the wine in this vessel. A
score can then be tabulated in a rating system
1) After saving
your header information click “Tasting Notes” to add a new transaction
2) Enter:
a) Tank/Barrel (required) – Vessel where the wine currently
a) Tasting Note (required)
b) Score (required) – The Score will populate based upon the
setup of the tasting note
c) Description
d) Comments
3) Click “Save
& Exit” to save the transaction and return to the transaction header screen
Entry by Template
The Entry by Template screen is used to enter a group of
transactions that are related to each other. These are set up as templates in
the System Control Module. Each template can have an unlimited number of items
on it, and they can be any combination of analyses, treatments or additions.
Once a template is selected, it will display all the items
in the grid and you can choose to fill out the results for each in any order
you wish. Once one of the save buttons is clicked, all the transactions that
you updated will be written out and posted. The items you skipped will not be
written out.
1) After saving
your header information click “Entry by Template” to add a transaction
2) Enter:
a) Template Name (required) – The name of the template correlates to
the operations you have preselected
b) Tank/Barrel (required) – Vessel to apply the transactions to
c) Highlight the
line of the activity to enter and enter the results or addition amount etc.
d) Click “Next” to
move to the subsequent line or highlight each line individually
3) Once you have
finished entering your data, click “Save Template & Exit” to save the
details and process the transactions
Barrel Groups
The Barrel Group screen is used to create, change, and
delete barrel groups. Barrel groups provide an easy way to track all the
barrels in a blend (or part of a blend) and can consist of any number of
different types of barrels. Once it is created, the barrel group is treated as
a single vessel by the system. Grouping barrels allows the user to enter a
single transaction against the entire barrel group rather than tracking each
barrel as an individual vessel. A barrel group may be deleted only if it is
1) Click “Add New
Barrel Group” to create a new group
2) Enter:
a) Barrel Group (required) – Name of the barrel group
b) Blend (required) – Blend ID of the wine the barrel group
will hold
3) Click “Save” to
save the barrel group details
4) Using the search
criteria on the bottom of the screen you can filter barrels to select for the
barrel group
5) Double Click
each barrel or highlight the barrel and click the “Right” arrow to add to the
group. Click the “Left” arrow to remove a barrel from the group
6) Click “Save” to
save the barrels in the group
Barrel Sub Groups
The Barrel Sub Group screen is used to create, change and
delete barrel sub groups. Barrel sub groups provide an easy way to track a
subset of barrels in a barrel group. Each barrel in a group can either belong
to one sub group or no sub group; they cannot belong to more than one sub group
at a time. Once it is created, the barrel sub group can selected as the source
for operations rather than then entire barrel group.
Creating a new Barrel Sub Group
1) Using the
dropdown box, select the Barrel Group ID that you wish to create a sub group
2) Click the “Add
New Sub Group” button
3) Enter the new
sub group name
4) Click “Save” to
create the new subgroup. After you click “Save”, the list of available barrels
in the group will be listed in the display grid
5) By either double
clicking the barrels you wish to include in the group or highlighting and click
the “right” arrow to add barrels to the sub group list.
6) Click “Save” to
accept the new sub group
Drop Barrels
The Drop Barrels from a Group screen is used to drop or
remove individual barrels from a barrel group that has wine in it. Barrels are
dropped to allow moving the contents out of some of the barrels in a barrel
group to another vessel. Once a barrel is dropped, it contains the same
composition as the group, but it stands alone as a single barrel and
transactions can be recorded against it as its own vessel. You may drop as
many barrels as you like, as long as you leave at least one barrel in the
barrel group. Once you drop the barrels, you may not reconnect them to the
barrel group
1) From the Drop
Barrels screen click the “Search” button to retrieve a list of barrel groups
2) Highlight the
barrel group that you wish to drop a barrel from and the list of barrels in the
group will display in the grid
3) Double click or
highlight a barrel and click the right arrow to move the barrel into the list
of barrels to drop.
4) Enter:
a) Date & Time
(required) – Date & Time that the
barrel drop is performed
b) Employee (required) – Name of the employee who is performing
the drop
c) Description
d) Comments
5) Click “Save” to
accept the drop transaction and remove the barrels from the group]
Receive Wine (Bulk Wine)
The Receiving entry screen is used to enter a volume of
bulk wine or juice that was brought in from outside the system. It records the
detail composition breakdown of the wine (or juice) along with the cost of the
wine or juice
Note: If you are using costing and you receive a wine,
it is necessary to receive the wine with a unique Sub Block so that when
spreading grape costs the spread does not pick up the bulk wine as part of the
wines to spread to by composition (see costing documentation)
1) Enter:
a) Start Date &
Time (required)
b) End Date &
Time (required)
c) Work Order –
Work order number associated with this work
d) Tank/Barrel (required) – Vessel where the wine will be received
e) Blend (required) – Blend ID of the wine that is being
f) Ending
Volume Measurement (required)
g) Gallons In (required) – Total gallons received based on the
Bill of Lading
h) Gallons Received
(required) – Total gallons received based
on the TO Vessel volume
a) Treatment (required) – Name of the Receive Wine treatment
being performed
b) Receive From (required) – Bonded Winery number of where the wine
is coming from
c) Wine/Juice (required) – Indicates if this is declared as wine
d) Employee (required) – Employee who performed the receipt in
the cellar
e) Carrier (required) – The company who is actually carrying
the wine or Juice
f) Shipment #
– A shipment number can be added to the transaction
g) Serial # – A
serial number can be added to the transaction
h) Alcohol (required) – Alcohol by volume as indicated on the
Bill of Lading
i) Grape
CGP – Cost per gallon for the grape cost component of the wine
j) Ferment
CPG – Cost per gallon for the fermentation cost component of the wine
k) Storage CPG –
Cost per gallon for the storage cost component of the wine
l) Trigger
– If an activity is to be scheduled as the result of this analysis enter the
m) Trigger Date – Triggered
activity due date
n) Schedule Again
& Date – If the trigger is to schedule a second activity enter the date
here and click the checkbox
o) Description
p) Comments
4) After the
transaction details have been entered, click the Go To Receiving Composition
button to enter the composition screen
a) Click “Add
Composition Entry”
i) Enter:
(1) Percentage (required) – Percent of this composition component
(2) Sub Block
(3) Vintage (required)
(4) Wine Source (required)
(5) Variety (required)
(6) Vineyard (required)
(7) Appellation (required)
b) Click “Save” to
save the composition component and add new entries for each individual
c) Click “Exit” to
return to the transaction detail screen
5) Click “Save
& Exit” to save the transaction and return to the transaction header screen
Ship Wine (Bulk Wine & Juice)
The Shipping entry screen is used to enter bulk wine/juice
shipments that remove a volume of wine or juice from a vessel without changing
the composition, and records the destination of the shipment for government
1) After saving
your header information click “Ship” to add a new transaction
2) Enter:
a) Tank/Barrel (required) – Vessel where the wine currently
b) Ending Volume
Measurement (required)
c) Gallons Shipped
a) Treatment (required) – Name of the Ship treatment being
b) Ship Type (required) – The legal method of shipment for tax
i) In Bond
= Wine is transferred In Bond and a taxable event does not occur
ii) Out of
Bond = Wine is transferred Out of Bond and a taxable event occurs
iii) Export = Wine is
transferred out of the USA and a taxable event does not occur
c) Ship To (required) – Bonded Winery number for the Ship To
d) Employee (required) – Employee who is entering the
e) Shipment # – A
shipment number can be added to the transaction
f) Serial # –
A serial number can be added to the transaction
g) Carrier (required) – The company who is actually carrying
the wine or Juice
h) Trigger – If an
activity is to be scheduled as the result of this analysis enter the trigger
i) Trigger
Date – Triggered activity due date
j) Schedule
Again & Date – If the trigger is to schedule a second activity enter the date
here and click the checkbox
k) Description
l) Comments
6) Click “Save
& Exit” to save the transaction and return to the transaction header screen
Weigh Tags
The Weigh Tag screen manages all of your weigh tags. You
can enter new weigh tags, make modifications to current weigh tags, or review
information about your weigh tags. There are four possible statuses for a weigh
1) New – This weigh
tag is new and does not have all of the information filled out necessary to be
able to be assigned to a blend
2) Unassigned –
This weigh tag has all of the information filled out necessary to be assigned
to a blend but it has not yet
3) Complete – This
weigh tag has been 100% assigned to a blend
4) Partial – This
weigh tag has been partially assigned to a blend but not all 100%
Note: Wine/Juice volume
is not created in the system until a weigh tag assignment has been completed
1) From the Weigh
Tag screen click “Add New Weigh Tag” to create a new tag
2) Enter:
a) Weigh Tag (required) – Weigh tag number (can be from
pre-printed forms)
b) Date & Time
(required) – Date & Time the weigh
tag was created/weighed
c) Vintage (required)
d) Sub Block (required
if Cost at Sub-Block Level is checked “yes” in Management/System Control/ Securtiy/System
e) Variety (required)
f) Vineyard (required)
g) Designation (required[JC1] ) – The designation is used to
categories the wine. You can group different wines by category such as tier or
product line. Additionally, Designation is used in conjunction with Brand to
define user roles in the Blend Production Restricted User Security Module.
h) Bond (required) – Bonded Winery that the grapes are
received at
i) Employee
(required) – Person who filled out the
weigh tag at the scale
j) Carrier
(required) – Name of the carrier who
transported the grapes
k) Cost Per Ton –
The cost per ton of the grapes based on contract
Note: Cost per ton can
be defaulted in by creating a contract by variety in the grower setup or by
costing at the Sub Block level in the sub block setup
l) Shipping
Cost – If a shipping cost is added to the grapes it can be added here
m) Last Load – Indicates that
this shipment is the last load to be received of this fruit
n) Grape Only –
Indicates that the winery is processing the grapes only and that they will be
immediately shipped to another bond for production
Note: Grape only weigh
tags cannot be assigned to a blend and the status will be changed to complete
as soon as the weigh tag record is saved
o) Cost Has Been
Spread to Wine – This is display only field that will show a check mark if the
Spread Grape Cost process has been completed for this tag
p) Gross Lbs (required) – Weight of vehicle plus grapes
q) Tare Lbs (required) – Weight of the vehicle after the grapes
are dropped off
r) MOG Lbs –
Material Other than Grapes weight to be deducted from the delivery
s) Estimated Yield
– If the variety being received it a red wine, you will be required to enter an
estimated yield so that the system can calculate volume on hand. White grapes
are assumed to be crushed and pressed immediately upon receipt
Note: An estimated yield
can be set up on the variety so that every time this variety is received it
will have the same estimated yield and it will default into the weigh tag
t) Fermentation
Days – Number of days that the grapes are expected to be fermenting
u) Brix (required)
v) TA
w) pH
Note: Brix, TA & pH
are only recorded as initial values based on field samples and not actual lab
analysis. Additional analysis may be required
x) Maturity – The
initial value of the maturity of the grapes
y) Description
z) Comments
aa) Show Assignments – The Show
Assignments screen displays all the assignments that have been made from a
weigh tag
3) Click “Save” to
accept the weigh tag
Assign Weigh Tags
The Weigh Tag Assignment screen is used to assign weigh
tags to a blend. Each assignment may involve all or part of multiple weigh tags,
and all the information necessary for assigning the grapes to the blend is
recorded on this screen. This will create the volume of wine/juice in the
system. The weigh tags that can be assigned must be completely filled out on
the Weigh Tag screen before it can be assigned to a blend
1) After entering
the assign weigh tag screen
2) Enter:
a) Start Date &
Time (required)
b) End Date &
Time (required)
c) Work Order –
Work order number associated with this work
d) Tank/Barrel (required) – Vessel where the grapes will be held
e) Blend (required) – Blend ID of the grapes that are being
f) Click
“Display the Outstanding Weigh Tags for Reds” or Display the Outstanding Weigh
Tags for Whites to display the available “unassigned” tags
g) Highlight the
weigh tag to be assigned and click the right arrow to populate the assignment
h) Highlight the
weigh tag in the Assigned Weigh Tags grid
i) Enter:
i) Percent
(required) – Percent of the weigh tag to
be assigned
ii) Assigned
Tons (required) – The total tons to be
iii) Source (required) – Where the grapes were received from
iv) Treatment (required) – Name of the processing treatment
v) Employee (required) – Name of the crush pad employee
Note: If 100% of the weigh
tag is to be assigned in 1 transaction, you can push the 100% button to assign
all of the grapes without filling in the percent or assigned tons fields
j) Click
“Done” to save the assignment details
Note: If this is a red
wine the gallons would default in based on the estimated yield entered on the
weigh tag. If this is a white wine, you will need to enter the total gallons
in the Gallons field
7) Click “Save” to
accept the assignment details
8) Enter:
a) Description
b) Comments
9) Click “Save” to
save the transaction
Viticulture Dropdown
The Viticulture Menu screen provides access to all the viticulture
functions within Blend Production along with all the main
inquiries that appear on the right side of the menu. These can be accessed by
either clicking on the icon, or by using the Go To drop-down menu on the tool
Note: If costing is to be
maintained at a Sub Block level, all weigh tags and bulk wine receipts must
have Sub Blocks assigned. If Sub Block’s are not assigned, grape costs may be
spread to bulk wine receipts.
The Grower screen is used to look up, display and modify
information about growers.
Tab 1 – Grower Info
1) Grower Name (required)
2) Grower Group –
The group that is associated with the grower which is used for reporting and
filter purposes
3) Status (required)
4) Social Security
– SSN associated with the grower
5) Tax ID – Tax ID number
associated with the grower
6) Description
7) E-mail Address
8) Phone Numbers
Tab 2 – Contracts by
Note: If Sub Blocks are
used then the cost per ton on the sub block will over-ride the contract cost on
the grower
1) Variety – Name
of the variety
2) Appellation–
Appellation of origin
3) Contract Type –
Structure of the contract
4) Price Formula –
Provides the formula for valuation or “pay-out” of the contract
5) Contract Terms –
The payment schedule associated with the contract
6) Contract Tons –
The total tons under contract that are expected to be received
7) Price per Ton –
Price paid per ton if paid by ton
8) Price per Gallon
– Price paid per gallon if paid by gallon
9) Description
10) Contract Length – The time frame
the contract is valid through
11) Starting Date – Estimated picking
date for the contracted grapes
12) Brix Range – The high and low
requirements for the Brix at harvest
13) Estimated Yield – The estimated
tons per gallon for this contract
14) Go To Payment Info – Allows the
user to specify the payment schedule and percentage
Tab 3 – Vineyards &
Displays all of the Vineyards assigned to this grower
1) Contacts –
Contact information for the vineyard
Tab 4 – Addresses
1) Mailing Address
2) Ship To Address
– Shipping address if not the same as the above mailing address
The Vineyard screen is used to look up, display and modify
information about vineyards.
Tab 1 – Vineyard Info
1) Vineyard Name (required)
2) Abbreviation (required)
3) District – The
district that is associated with the vineyard
4) Status (required)
5) Description
6) Owned checkbox –
Indicates that the vineyard is owned by the winery
7) Custom Crush
checkbox – Indicates that the vineyard is owned by a custom crush client
8) Address
9) Vineyard Graphic
– a graphical image of the vineyard may be attached here
10) Appellation (required) – The appellation of the physical
11) Grower (required) – The grower that this vineyard is associated with
12) Default Carrier – The default
carrier service that delivers grapes from this vineyard
13) Vineyard Manager – The name of the
vineyard manager
14) E-mail Address – The e-mail
address of the vineyard manager
15) Phone Numbers – The phone numbers
for the vineyard manager
Tab 2 – Sub Blocks
& Comments
Displays all of the Sub Blocks assigned to this vineyard
Sub Blocks
The Sub Block screen is used to look up, display and modify
information about sub blocks. This also provides an easy entry point for the
weigh tags in the system. Each sub-block is linked to a variety and vineyard.
Tab 1 – Sub Block Info
1) Sub-Block (required)
2) Status (required)
3) Description
4) Organic – An
option to indicate that this sub-block is designated as Organic
5) Pending Organic
– An option to indicate that this sub-block is currently being qualified for
status as Organic
6) Vineyard (required) – Name of the vineyard this sub-block is
a part of
7) Variety (required) – Variety of grapes grown in this
8) Clone – Name of
the clone
9) Block – The name
of the parent block that this sub-block belongs in
10) Row – Row or rows that make up
this sub-block
11) Sub-Block Graphic – A graphical
image of the Sub Block can be attached here
12) Acres – Total acres of land in
this sub-block
13) Year Planted – The calendar year
in which the sub-block was planted
14) Estimated Tons – The estimated
total number of tons that we expect to receive from this vineyard sub-block
15) Estimated Yield – The estimated
gallons per ton that should be produced from this sub-block
16) Expected Fermentation Days – The
total number of days we expect the grapes to spend during the fermentation
17) Cost Per Ton – Contractual cost
per ton for this sub-block
18) Copy Cost to Weigh Tags – A button
that will copy the cost per ton that has been entered on this screen to all the
weigh tags for this sub-block in the current year
19) Comments
Tab 2 – Latest Analysis
The Sub Block – Latest Analysis Results tab contains the
latest analysis information for a Sub Block
Management Dropdown
Undo Movement
Note: The Undo Movement
functionality has been removed from this version and will be re-released as
Undo Wizard in a future version
Cellar Locations
The Cellar Location screen assists you in organizing and
managing your cellar locations. The location master file identifies all your
cellar locations for your tanks, barrels and wine storage.
Tab 1 – Location Info
1) Location (required)
2) Location Name (required)
3) Status (required)
4) Description
5) E-mail Address –
The e-mail address of the contact
6) Parent Location
– The location record which is the parent of this location. Locations can be
grouped together by using this location. Any location can be a parent
7) Tax Paid Status
– Selectable radio buttons for indicating whether the location is Bonded, Tax
Paid, or both
8) Bonded Winery (required) – The bonded winery number of the winery
the location resides
9) Phone Numbers –
The phone numbers available for contact
10) Owned (required)
– Radio button to indicate that this location is not owned by the winery and
the corresponding name of the owner
Tab 2 – Addresses
1) Mailing Address
2) Ship To Address
– Shipping address if not the same as the above mailing address
Tab 3 – Contacts &
1) Contact
Information – Add new contact information
2) Comments
Apply Costs
See the Orion – Blend Production – Costing User Guide
for all training needs
Spread Grape Costs
See the Orion – Blend Production – Costing User Guide
for all training needs
Month End Close & Month End Close Undo
The month end process performs two functions in the Blend
Production system. The first function it performs is that it locks the closed
months so that users cannot inadvertently process transactions back in a prior
month. The second function that it performs is that it runs all of the summary
table updates thereby populating the reports which are designated as Summaries
in the title
Note: If the Month End
Close process does not complete fully, your reporting balances may be out of
alignment with the inquiry numbers in your system. You must re-open the month
using the Month End Close Undo and then re-close the month again to correct
this problem
How does the system calculate the 3% loss
The system values that the calculation are based on are the
total Gallons of loss divided by the FROM Vessel beginning balance. This is a
soft warning message and the system will ask you to click “Yes” to accept or
“No” to reject.
For Example: If you look at the following screen prints, you
will notice that the total FROM Vessel beginning balance is equal to 1,000
gallons. The amount moved out of the FROM Vessel is 500 gallons. The system
will only give you a warning message if the loss amount is 31 gallons or more
because 31 is 3.1% of 1,000, even though you only moved 500 gallons
How To: Change a Blend Number (ID)
These instructions detail how to change a blend ID that a
wine is assigned to
Note: You may edit the
name or details of any blend manually through Blend Inquiry
1) From Blend
Inquiry create a new Blend with the details that you desire
2) Perform a
movement transaction with the same TO vessel that you have as a FROM vessel
3) When you choose
the TO vessel, the current Blend ID will default in, so select the desired New
Blend ID from the dropdown
4) Indicate in the
description field the reason for the blend change
How To: Change a Bond Number on a Blend or Vessel
a) Follow the
instructions indicated about in the How To: Change a Blend Number (ID)
to create a new blend with a new bond number and perform a movement transaction
to the same vessel per the above procedures[JC2]
2) Vessel – The
Bond Number on the vessel does not drive compliance reporting but does drive
vessel reporting for inventory purposes
a) If the vessel
has a wine in it you must first move the wine to a phantom vessel
b) Change the Bond
Number on the originating vessel
c) Move the wine
back from the phantom vessel to the originating vessel
How To: Change the capacity of a Barrel, Barrel
Group, or Tank
In order to change the capacity of a barrel or tank without
affecting volumes, you must empty the vessel first, change the capacity then
refill it. If you do not empty the vessel prior to changing the capacity, your
volumes versus capacities will not be accurately reflected.
How To: Deplete an Active Blend with Zero (0)
Certain conditions can cause a blend to be left in a state
where it is active yet there are no gallons to process. This how-to walks you
through removing this blend from the ‘current’ blend list.
1) Click on “Blend
Inquiry” and search for all blends
a) Sort the gallons
so that ‘0’ is showing at the top by clicking on the ‘gallons’ header toggling
between ascending and decending
2) Confirm on the
‘Blend Info’ tab that the status is “Active”
a) Some zero gallon
blends can have a status of “New Blend” which means the blend has been created
although no transactions have been performed
b) If you find a
blend with Negative gallons please contact the Orion Blend Support hotline at
877-632-3155 x1 or
for your database to be repaired
3) Click “Deplete”
on Tab 1 Blend Info as your final step.
a) Later if needed
you can reactivate the blend by selecting the “Activate” button in the same
How To: Drain & Press multiple press lots
Many facilities process their red grapes from “must” to wine
using a free-run then multiple press lot approach. The following example
illustrates a scenario of a pre-Drain & Press volume of 1000 gallons of
“must”. If you perform each step individually and declare the wine on each
step, you will get an accurate yield and any gains or losses will be minimal.
Drain: Perform a
Movement transaction to show the volume of wine drained off as free-run (700
gallons). This volume would be moved to a vessel and the wine would need
to be declared at the time of movement so that an accurate yield results.
The volume left in the vessel will consist of the must which will then be
pressed (300 gallons)
Press (1st
press): Perform a Movement transaction to show the volume of wine that resulted
in the first press amount (200 gallons). This volume would be moved to a
vessel and the wine would need to be declared at the time of the
movement. The volume left in the vessel will consist of the remaining
volume which is intended for the 2nd press (100 gallons)
Press (2nd
press and additional presses): Perform a Movement transaction to show the
volume of wine that resulted in the Second press amount (100 gallons).
This volume would be moved to a vessel and the wine would need to be declared
at the time of the movement. This should empty the vessel.
Barrel Group
How To: Remove some wine from barrel group but not
empty it
1) Option A: Create
a Barrel Sub Group and then empty only the wine from the barrels in the sub
group into the TO Vessel
2) Option B: Drop a
barrel. By dropping a barrel, the contents of the individual barrel are
removed from the group and the barrel becomes a single vessel that can be
tracked independently of the group
3) Option C: Move
the entire contents of the barrel group to a phantom vessel. Go into the barrel
group screen, manually remove the barrels that are no longer full and refill
the barrels through a barrel fill operation
Note: It is not
recommended to remove full barrels from a barrel group using the barrel group
screen because the barrel will be disconnected from the barrel group history
Package Goods
How To: Change a lot number once it is entered and
You can NOT change a lot number once it has been
saved. You will have to create another item with the new lot number if needed.